I have never believe in casualities. All what happens has a meaning for me, even the most ridiculous thing. Finding a red light or a pidgeon trying to crush into us, can be signals of we are on the wrong path. Or on the right one. Leading your fate according to these little details that most people don't perceive is what give that spark, that emotion to life, and keep it away from boredom and routine.

But life changes and the perspective from which someone looks at it also changes. Now I feel the need to see that red light, to crush into that pidgeon that will change my path, changing my fate for sure.
Now I know that the red light is really leading my fate. I have spent so much time following the white light, expecting that something happened, but finally that red light has been what has transformed, maybe not my life, but the way I am going to face the rest of my life. As I said, casualities do not exist, hence when you see that red light or when you crush into someone or something, you must stop there and take advantage of the situation, because that will change your life.
La vida es lo que nos va sucediendo mientras esperamos que sucedan otras cosas.